Domestic violence

Domestic violence is a problem in our society and is hardly discussed. A report is sent to one of the authorities every six minutes. On average, 33 people die each year in the Netherlands from the consequences of domestic violence.

Wereldwijd komen er veel meer mensen, vooral vrouwen en kinderen, om door huiselijk geweld dan door oorlogen. Het kost daarbij ook nog eens een enorme hoeveelheid geld. Jaarlijks ruim 6.200 miljard euro. Ter vergelijking: 34 jaar oorlog kostte wereldwijd de helft van dit bedrag.

Huiselijk geweld komt voor in alle lagen van de samenleving, dus ook in jouw omgeving. Wie zich hiervan bewust is kan bijdragen aan het aanpakken van dit maatschappelijk probleem.

The term "domestic" indicates that a relationship exists or has existed between victim and perpetrator. Domestic violence is much more than just physical violence. The violence can take many guises, such as physical or psychological abuse, sexual assault and abuse, neglect, humiliation, or extreme-control. Stalking and threats can also be forms of domestic violence. Domestic violence can also stem from harmful traditional practices. Some well-known forms of this are female circumcision, child marriage and forced marriage.

Support and information

Domestic violence creates insecurity for adults and children. Anyone who experiences young violence will be harmed in their development. It is therefore important to seek help. This also applies to perpetrators of the violence who no longer wish to continue like this, but who keep relapsing into this behavior. Feelings of shame or guilt often make it difficult to ask for help.

Domestic violence

For more background information about the different forms of domestic violence, see

Verdwenen zelf

For information about emotional and psychological abuse, see

Do you suspect something?

Are you concerned about someone close to you?

Safe Women

Do you want to change your situation, but you don't know where to start?

Male abuse

men who feel unsafe can go to

Fier Chat

Chat with Fier is for everyone. You can share your story anonymously with a counselor here.

Veilig thuis

You can go to Veilig thuis for advice and help if you are worried about someone or if you are in an unpleasant situation


If you are in immediate danger, always call 112!